Monday, July 8, 2013

Black Conservatives for Trayvon Martin

A group of Black conservatives have decided to show support for Trayvon Martin. According to the group, they are distancing themselves from Black conservatives who publicly support George Zimmerman. 

The groups Facebook Page says:

"There are groups of prominent black conservatives who have taken public stances in defense of George Zimmerman. They do not speak for us. We will be accused of heresy because we don't kiss the rings of the pundit popes of conservatism."

 We are pro second amendment, pro national security, pro-life, pro educational choice, pro free enterprise, and pro justice for Trayvon Martin. There are groups of prominent black conservatives who have taken public stances in defense of George Zimmerman. They do not speak for us. We will be accused of heresy because we don't kiss the rings of the pundit popes of conservatism.

We will be called “pseudo-conservatives” because we vehemently reject the idea that an unarmed adolescent boy was justifiably killed because of social media pictures, skittles, and a hoodie. While we understand we will be excoriated by our ideological "brethren", we stand firm, and hope that our legal system will charge Zimmerman. Contrary to popular belief, black conservatism is not monolithic.

We reject the deification of George Zimmerman. He does not exemplify second amendment rights. His actions are a bastardization of those rights.

 We are saddened that an issue which is clearly right vs. wrong has turned into a polarizing debate about race and justice-with people allowing political affiliation to dictate their stance, regardless of the facts. We will stand with truth and justice even if it means sacrificing positions of influence.

 We are saddened that Trayvon lost his life so tragically. Although Black males have an issue with crime and the incarceration rate that we must address, this does not mean that every young Black male that is seen in society must be judged by the lowest standards and the notion of guilty until proven innocent. Those assumptions and viewpoints are the antithesis of the promises of American civil rights given by God and protected by our Constitution.